
Last Night in Germany

Tonight is our last night in Germany. Tomorrow morning, we fly to Dublin to spend the last few days in Europe in a familiar place. We are thinking of trying to squeeze in some of the places we didn't have a chance to go, we will see how that plays out.

Well, Berlin has been truly amazing. It is a huge city compared to most of the other places we have been, and in some ways, that was poor planning on my part. You see, after two months of travel, I am really tired. Not sleepy. Not homesick, really. Just very tired in my bones. I think that despite my resistance to leave, I am also genuinely excited about coming home to my family, my friends, and overall familiarity. It's going to be great to know how restaurants work, when it's acceptable to cross the street, and speaking to people in more depth than my phrasebook can teach me. There's so much I took for granted, and I'm really ready to go home with this new perspective.

Still, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sad to leave.

Berlin and Munich stole my heart in a way I was unprepared for. But, I can't help but love the bright blue sky, the puffy white clouds, and rebuilt old buildings. There's a sense of self here that I wasn't expecting. The people we have run into seem content in their home and content in their lives. It's an overall positive place, despite the history that grabs hold of me, reminding me that it wasn't long ago when these same streets were not filled with happy people walking with happy dogs and happy children.

The New Europe tour guide explained, "Paris will always be Paris, but Berlin is always becoming Berlin." It is incredibly true. I cannot wait to cone back and see what it will be next. From a very literal sense, there is construction everywhere. It is literally becoming before my eyes. In another way, Berlin's youth seem very different from the adults, who seem very different from the aging. There's a spark here, and each generation harnesses it differently. It's hard to explain, but you can see it, if you look.

That's enough for now. I will post our last Ireland adventures when I get a chance.

In the meantime, relax for me, if you can!

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